Monday, February 16, 2009

Puppie Profile : Winston and Sadie

My work friend Sue, and her partner Christian own two very mischievious Staffies. Winston is the youngster who likes to be the leader of the pack and Sadie is the aging lady who has to put up with Winston's lil man syndrome. Due to troubles between the the two pups in the past, Christian has had to build a dividing wall down the middle of the yard. its what Sue affectionately calls "The Berlin Wall"
I asked Sue if she had any Winston stories that i might post here. After finding a suitable PG13 rated story to grace this blog here's what she came back with:

"Winston has small dog syndrome. He is the big man behind the fence or on the end of the lead but a scaredy cat when he is out on his own. He dug a big hole under the fence and escaped the front garden last Thursday. Christian got home that night to find a very proud and excited dog sitting on the front door step. If he could speak he would have said “look what I did dad ...I dug the biggest hole ever!” Sadie wasn’t happy and was she is the adventurous dog that would have gone for a 2 day trek around the neighborhood if she wasn’t stuck the other side of the Berlin wall.

1 comment:

  1. cute puppies just got home and a new hole has been dug so down to bunnings to get some quick set cement and bigrocks that should keep him in
